Bad Influence

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a banner that reads, 'bad influence' in large cursive text, and 'queer shop' below it, small and inside a cloud shape. behind and around it are several doodles, including a large cat facing left, a ouija board planchette with ornate decorations, a UFO sucking up a cow, mothman, a pink skull, and a potion. plants and vines crowd the background.


hiya! i'm crow, the person who runs this shop and coded this site! i'm disabled, queer, very transsexual, and a canadian punk dirtbag. i believe in free healthcare for all, accessible public transport, and im mostly a commie.
i kind of inherited the "bad influence" brand from my mom: when i was a kid she ran this little jewelry etsy shop. she was on etsy early enough to snag the shop name, "bad influence"! eventually, she stopped having the time and energy to make jewelry. and so, years and years later, i got interested in making a shop. specifically selling pinback buttons. my mom bought us this blue 1 and 1/4" button maker and it was one of the best things i got to unpack and put together. i remember figuring out the process of working it, printing pins, all the quirks and challenges that come with using a new machine.
now, making a few pins has expanded into all sorts of art forms. stickers, patches, prints, dice bags... etc. i even wanted to make t-shirts, but unfortunately don't have the equipment to really do so at the moment. it's all been a huge learning curve. and now i'm opening up my own website for this little shop!

Etsy's Wrongdoings

etsy has, for a long time, wronged the creatives that choose to use their website for selling. i've decided all the things they ask for and take are too high a price for the "convenience" of using their website. the fees are extremely high, which is the main reason i'm leaving. but there are many other reasons i have decided to change platforms-- the fees were just the straw that broke the camel's back.
the majority of foot traffic i get is from my own advertising; not etsy's. that being said, i know etsy is the main place a lot of people go when searching for handmade goods. so i've left up two of my listings, just in case. i am prepared to keep up with etsy so long as it remains that small amount, and not my entire shop.
i love creating art. i love creating something that can strike a person as important. and even though the profits i make aren't exactly substantial right now, i love running this shop very much. i've met amazing people and done amazing things here, and i think even though it's a challenge, i want to keep doing it.

thanks for reading. if you're interested in more of what i have to say, please feel free to contact me! additionally, if you want a custom order, you can use my business email:

Etsy | Coded in Neocities |